Shame and the Unwanted Identity by Guest Blogger Rachel McNamara

"…I do not exist without autism, neither do my boys. The way my brain thinks is who I am and autism is the way my brain thinks…."

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“You Are More Affected By Autism Than Me,” by Guest Blogger Rachel McNamara

My teenage cousin Lucy (not her real name) randomly said to me one day “I think you are more affected by autism than me.” Her socially inappropriate remark made me want to laugh. My immediate unconsidered thought was that Lucy was definitely more autistic than I was….

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Autism and Sensitivity, By Guest Blogger Rachel McNamara

After writing my last post on autism stigma and Autism Speaks and commenting on the posts of others on the same topic, I began to feel anxious, depressed, faint and nauseous. These are feelings that I am accustomed to having before, during and after many social interactions in person and online, whenever they extend past pleasantries and into the murky territory of feelings…

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